It was a fine fall day for some stew. Fired up mini #1 for phase one of this cook.
My local grocer had this fine Bottom round begging to be taken home.
Simple SPOG
After a few hours bathing away in Cherry and pecan this is what came out 125° IT.
Sliced into 1 1/2" thick cuts (I could've eaten it just like that)!!!
Cubed and seasoned, ready for phase two.
A sampling of the rest of the ingredients. (put in 3 Jalapenos, 6 taters, lost count on the carrots, 6 cloves of garlic and that whole onion).
The rest of the ingredients (note to self buy a half rack next time, so I don't have to drink cheap beer!).
Brown the meat, make sure to pour in all the juices from slicing too. Remove the meat.
Sautee the onion, garlic, and carrots
Return the meat to the DO, add all six beers (any good smokey, porter or stout will do)
Add this stuff, bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 hours.
Make some of these (seasoned drop biscuits, had a bit too much liquid, turned into cow pies!)
Still turned out tasty, even if they were a bit flat!
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